30 Apr 2024
ESOS Phase 3 deadline - are you ready?
ESOS (Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme) is a mandatory scheme targeting larger UK businesses. It exists to monitor energy use, raise awareness of energy consumption and reduction opportunities, and therefore improve energy efficiency for businesses.
If your business meets the criteria (£38m+ turnover, or 250+ staff), you risk penalisation if you don’t become ESOS compliant. Penalties include fines, as well as ‘naming and shaming’ on the Environment Agency (EA) website.
You need to create an account on the EA’s new web portal by the 5th June 2024. If you haven’t yet registered and updated your organisational accounts, now’s the time.
You’ll be able to submit your notification of compliance at the end of April, and the deadline for final report submission has been extended to 6th August.
Your assessment needs to be completed by an independent assessor. The report needs to contain a summary of energy use at your sites, details of site audits, and energy saving recommendations. This needs to be uploaded to the EA web portal. You also need an evidence pack containing all data files and calculations in case of external audit.
First up, if you’re a member of Zero Carbon Forum, our in-house ESOS experts are standing by to support you.
We’ll make sure your submission is up to scratch (if you get it to us asap!), we’ll keep you abreast of any updates, and we’ll help you get in a good position to get ahead of phase four (coming later this year).
Of course, we’ll also make sure your ESOS report is put to good use, increasing efficiencies across your portfolio - particularly through our Energy Analytics and Save While You Sleep initiative.
We’re also asking our members to share their ESOS report findings with us so we can collate all the recommendations in our next version of our Definitive Guide to Scope 1 & 2, available to Forum members. You can also download a copy of our industry roadmaps here - https://zerocarbonforum.com/roadmaps
As ever, we have our eye on the bigger picture: how can we best support the brewing and hospitality sector to lead the way to net zero. Together, and at pace.
Apply to join Zero Carbon Forum.