Welcome to the Zero Carbon Forum

The Zero Carbon Forum is a non-profit organisation, empowering members to reach sustainability targets with more speed, efficiency, and profit as a united effort. With defined roadmaps backed by peers, government, and leading sustainability experts — together we’re on a path to survive and thrive.

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As the impacts of climate change unfold, the time for talk is over. Hospitality is taking action, united under a meaningful, practical plan to reduce — then eliminate — our carbon footprint.

Why we do what we do

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What's New

1 Jul 2024

Regenerative flour could save over three million tonnes of carbon by 2030

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28 May 2024

First-of-its-kind tool for calculating Scope 3 supply chain emissions for Licensees and Franchisees.

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7 May 2024

CEO roundtable: Hospitality competitors collaborate to tackle industry emissions. 

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Despite the torrid year our sector has faced we remain committed to operating out businesses in the right year. The work and energy that has gone into the launch of the Zero Carbon Forum, even while we have been fighting for our survival, shows what a positive influence our sector is across the UK.

Emma McClarkin, CEO
British Beer & Pub Association

Featuring some of the most well-known brands on the planet, joining the Zero Carbon Forum is the single greatest move an action-oriented organisation can make. As a business, you’ll get the clarity, guidance, and resources you need to pursue your sustainability goals with purpose. United, we’ll change the world.

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Zero Carbon Roadmap for Brewing

Uniquely tailored to UK brewers, this roadmap sets the direction, scope and pace for our journey to net zero. The roadmap was created through extensive consultation with our members, the BBPA, Carbon Architecture, industry representatives and other brewing specialists.

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Net Zero: The Guide for the Brewing and Hospitality Sector

In this roadmap, we outline the steps each sector of hospitality can take to reach their net zero targets. This includes guidance on measuring your footprint, developing a strategy and collaborating within the sector.

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