The Marketplace is a directory to connect and showcase innovative sustainable suppliers to hospitality operators
The directory showcases pioneering products and services to help hospitality operators reduce supply chain emissions and reach net zero at pace. The Marketplace is constantly growing, and suppliers include Wildfarmed, Nutritics, Britvic, Emissis and many more. If you join the Marketplace directory as a supplier, you will be connected to the operators of 35,000 locations.
To register your interest, please fill in the form below.
For our Forum members, Marketplace is a ‘one stop shop’ for brewing and hospitality operators to source the essential products and services they need to accelerate and radically reduce their carbon emissions. Marketplace features a product and services directory that allows you to filter and target your search to find suppliers who can support the most relevant emissions for your business such as food, energy, packaging buildings and energy. To learn more, speak to any member of the Forum team or get in touch through our form below.
If you're interested in joining our Forum, explore all the benefits of our membership here.
With a raft of pioneering businesses already signed up, we’d like to invite innovative suppliers of all sizes and growth stages to apply for inclusion. Each application will be reviewed against innovation, carbon impact and business alignment with our Zero carbon at pace mission.
Mark Chapman, CEO at Zero Carbon Forum explains: “Up to 90% of hospitality and brewing emissions are from the supply chain. And 35% of the UK’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions come from food and drink.
“We in hospitality are the biggest industry to be affected, therefore we must act. We can’t reach net zero without engaging suppliers and Marketplace has been conceived to provide operators with innovative sustainable services and solutions that help accelerate the transformational change we need to make.”
“We have less than three years to radically reduce emissions, after that it's too late. Customers, employees, communities and society expect businesses to take action – and they will buy from the companies that take action. The brands and suppliers showcased in the Marketplace directory are doing game changing work to help the brewing and hospitality sector reach net zero.
Marketplace members pay an annual participation fee and minimal revenue share of sales. This funds the marketplace initiative and the work of the forum to reduce carbon emissions across the industry. Exemptions can apply in exceptional circumstances. There are also opportunities for members to raise their profile to operators through sponsoring case studies and training guides.
Regenerative agriculture, helping hospitality businesses
Marketplace Showcase: Wildfarmed

Andy Cato - founder, Wildfarmed
Regenerative agriculture creates more resilient supply chains and security for hospitality operators.
🌱 It improves soil health and increases biodiversity while storing carbon
🌽 It creates tastier, more nutritious and reliable crops
Find out how using ingredients from regenerative farms will protect your business by building resilience, reducing your emissions and building brand value with your stakeholders.
Replacing Glass with Dispense Taps
Marketplace Founder Member Showcase: The London Essence Co Freshly Infused Dispense Tap

The UK licensed trade sector uses over 144million tonic bottles, which equates to 28 tonnes of glass packaging*.
The London Essence Co. (a Britvic owned brand) has created its world leading
Freshly Infused dispense system, offering a reduced packaging solution for Hospitality
venues to serve its globally renowned premium mixers, whilst also delivering exceptional
By replacing glass premium mixer bottles with The London Essence Co. Freshly Infused
dispense system, it dramatically reduces packaging waste by 99% compared to a glass
Mark Chapman, Founder and CEO of the Zero Carbon Forum said:
"This invention which eliminates the need for the production, transportation and
refrigeration of glass bottles is a great example of the innovative, significant carbon
reducing products and services that will feature in our marketplace directory".
* CGA On Premise Measurement Data, MAT 25/03/2023
** 200ml serve of Freshly Infused tonic v 200ml LEC tonic glass bottle. Comparison includes
primary, secondary and tertiary package associated with full pallet transportation.
We want to champion this great work to facilitate real and seismic change. We look forward to working with more suppliers of all shapes and sizes as we grow Marketplace and make it the definitive resource for the hospitality and brewing industry
Mark Chapman
Founder and CEO Zero Carbon Forum